Tutorial on Cognitive-, Neuro- and Intelligence Sciences
- Start: Sep 19, 2016
- End: Sep 21, 2016
- Speaker: Herbert Jäger
- Professor for Computational Science - Jacobs University Bremen
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, 06120 Halle (Saale)
- Room: Seminarraum A.2.20

Goal of the tutorial
MPI scientists, who have an original microphysics background, are welcome to join the landscape of the sciences of cognitive information processing:
cognitive science, artificial intelligence, selected aspects from signal processing and control, computational and cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, cognitive robotics and neuro-robotics, computational linguistics, selected aspects from computer science, with a little spicing from artificial life and dynamical systems theory.
The tutorial will be done in a “family discussion” format, almost no high-gloss slides, much writing on the board, always open for spontaneous digressions when asked for.
Short program of the tutorial
- Brief overviews on objectives, methods, highlight examples from the various fields
- Reflections on the different (mathematical) modelling attitudes in these areas
- The "big five" unresolved fundamental questions that cut across all these disciplines
- neuro-symbolic integration,
- nature of “representation”,
- complete agent architectures,
- design vs. learning vs. evolution,
- mathematics for utter complexity
- Applications of the wider cognitive computing fields