Max Planck Research Groups / Junior Research Groups

Max Planck Research Groups / Junior Research Groups

Max Planck Research Groups have been a key part of support of junior scientists for over 50 years. They provide postdocs with a first-rate support to help them on their scientific career paths – the appointment of Group Leader positions is subject to a rigorous, centrally managed selection procedure.

There are two types of Max Planck Research Groups: Institute-specific and open-topic Groups. If Max Planck Institutes have the budget required, they can offer the first type. These Max Planck Research Groups are then usually thematically linked to the Institute concerned.

In addition, the Max Planck Society funds and calls for applications for open-topic Max Planck Research Groups. The appointment of all Max Plank Research Group Leaders is subject to a rigorous selection procedure which is coordinated centrally. In the case of open-topic Research Groups, there is a fixed number of positions especially designated for female scientists.

Schröter Lab for Quantum Materials & Technologies
The independent Max Planck Research Group (MPRG) "Schröter Lab for Quantum Materials & Technologies" led by Dr. Niels Schröter was started in May 2021.
Many of the most promising device concepts for future quantum technologies are relying on carefully designed electronic interfaces. We aim to create such interfaces guided by advanced electron spectroscopy. Our group is currently growing, and we are looking for prospective team members to help us make the materials of the future.
Spin-Orbital Electronics
The Minerva Fast Track Group "Spin-Orbital Electronics" is led by Dr. Annika Johansson and was started in October 2021. The main focus of our research is the theoretical consideration of spin-orbit driven transport phenomena relating electronic and magnetic properties.
Quantum Chiral Nanocarbons
The Minerva Fast Track Group "Quantum Chiral Nanocarbons" started in April 2024 is led by Dr. Wenhui Niu.
Wan Lab for Chiral Optoelectronics
The Chiral Optoelectronics Group led by Dr. Wan aims to bridge this gap by focusing explicitly on creating novel chiral materials based on organic semiconductors. By integrating chemical synthesis, advanced spectroscopic characterization, and device realization, the group seeks to pioneer innovative research in chirality science and optoelectronic devices.

Former Max Planck Research Groups

Current-Carrying Quantum Dynamics (2014-2021)

Current-Carrying Quantum Dynamics (2014-2021)

The independent Max Planck Research Group (MPRG) "Current-Carrying Quantum Dynamics" (CCQD) led by Dr. Ingo Barth was started in December 2014. The research of the CCQD group focuses on three research subareas: Ionization dynamics in strong circularly polarized laser fields, Analysis and control of electron and nuclear currents, Development and documentation of STEM terms in German sign language.
Alexander von Humboldt Sofja Kovalevskaja Group (2016 - 2021)

Alexander von Humboldt Sofja Kovalevskaja Group (2016 - 2021)

The Alexander von Humboldt Sofia Kovalevskaja Group is led by Dr. Mazhar Ali and began operation in December of 2016. We are working on an interdisciplinary approach to using and exploring properties of topological materials and applying lessons learned from the field of topology in new ways. Our research topics include; investigation of Hall effects and their dependence on Berry curvature and Fermi surface geometry, exploring properties of Josephson Junctions made from topological materials, using topological compounds to assist in the detection of dark matter, and exploring the interplay of frustrated magnetism with unconventional topology in exfoliable 2D materials (including spin liquid candidates).
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