International Center for Nano-Systems

01.06.2014 - 31.12.2020

The International Center for Nano-Systems (ICNS) goes far beyond a simple visitor program by funding collaborative research programs involving the unique resources developed in Halle with the Humboldt award from Prof. Dr. Stuart Parkin.

The ICNS is focusing on the research and development of energy efficient electronics beyond silicon.

World leading scientists are welcome for sabbaticals, summer breaks, and short visits with their accompanying Ph.D. students whose visits are funded by the ICNS. 

Realization of novel devices in three particular regards, (i) energy efficient devices for electronics beyond silicon, (ii) innately cognitive devices for brain-like computational devices, and (iii) three dimensional devices for powerful highly interconnected computational memory and logic architectures.

Two grand challenge projects will be (i) to develop devices that are innately cognitive, i.e. are reconfigurable, act as both memory and logic and are inspired by the brain, and (ii) to explore synthetic routes to room temperature superconductivity.
The MPI of Microstructure Physics, the Martin Luther University and the Fraunhofer Institute are the three institutions forming the International Center for Nano-Systems.

They are located in walking distance from each other and propose excellent facilities for materials exploration, characterization, modeling, and nano-device fabrication.  


The strategy of the ICNS is to attract world-leading scientists as external researchers for sabbaticals, summer research stays, and short-term visits with their accompanying Ph.D. students.
We will develop a broad range of activities to foster this interaction and provide funding through the ICNS.

In 2015 we set-up a new workshop concept which is named BEYOND!.
The aim is to focus on new scientific areas that go far Beyond! what we think is possible today. Getting different communities connected and advancing scientific progress is a major aim. [more]

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