Faces of the IMPRS: Jiho Yoon
“A Ph.D. is not the end of your research career but just the beginning.”

What is the topic of your research/doctoral thesis?
The topic of my doctoral thesis is: “Chiral magnetic domain wall dynamics in synthetic antiferromagnet-ferromagnet lateral junctions”.
What was the most exciting thing about the topic?
My study not only focuses on the fundamental physics of magnetic domain walls but also shows their potential use in real applications, such as domain wall-based nano-devices like racetrack memory.
What is the best memory of your Ph.D. time?
There are so many good memories from my Ph.D. time at Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle, but the best part was certainly starting a new family with my beloved wife and baby.
How was the MPI / IMPRS able to support you with your Ph.D.?
Despite delays due to lab installation and COVID, they were patient for many years to ensure I could successfully finish my dissertation as planned.
What was the biggest challenge during the Ph.D. phase?
The answer is certainly a global pandemic. This disrupted many tasks and social contacts, but eventually, we managed to persevere thanks to the great support from MPI and NISE colleagues.
What advice would you give to future Ph.D.s?
The known is finite; the unknown is infinite. A Ph.D. is not the end of your research career but just the beginning. One should focus more on learning and broadening their knowledge and interests in research rather than on high-impact publications to become an independent researcher!