Get-togehter of research school network Halle
- Date: Jul 11, 2019
- Time: 04:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Anna Sycheva
- OptiCom, Moscow, Russia
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, 06120 Halle (Saale)
- Room: Lecture Hall, B.1.11

About. The Research School Network Halle invites all participating researchers to the first summer meeting. Here local research schools will introduce themselves. The plenary talk will address open questions of general interest to all participants and will show possible strategies to tackle environmental problems. Participants from several research schools will have the opportunity to get into contact in a stimulating atmosphere, which fosters exchange and creates opportunities for collaborations.
Featuring talk by Anna Sycheva (OptiCOM, Moscow, Russia)
The future of plastics in the circular world
Plastics have become an important pillar of the world economy, but not without drawbacks. A significant share of plastic waste is not recovered after use: it is landfilled, incinerated or leaks in the environment. Many countries and companies around the world have pledged to shift to a circular model for plastics, but continued innovation is required to make it a reality.
Target group:
Doctoral students, postdocs and principle investigators of participating institutions