Dr. Wenhui Niu won the Arthur K. Doolittle Award
Dr. Wenhui Niu, Minerva Fast Track group leader in Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, won the 2024 Fall Arthur K. Doolittle Award from the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE).

Dr. Wenhui Niu, Minerva Fast Track group leader in Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, has been chosen to receive the 2024 Fall Arthur K. Doolittle Award from the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE), for the talk entitled “Topological Engineering of Graphene Nanoribbon for Next Generation Electronics”.
The Arthur K. Doolittle Award recognizes an outstanding talk presented during a PMSE symposium at each of the Fall and Spring ACS National Meetings. All oral PMSE presentations are eligible for nomination by symposium organizers on the basis of content with emphasis on originality, impact, and development of new concepts in polymeric materials. Recipients are selected by an anonymous panel of judges appointed by the PMSE Doolittle Award Committee.
About the Arthur K. Doolittle Award
The Arthur K. Doolittle Award originally established by the Union Carbide Corporation as the Carbide Award, its name was later changed due to Arthur K. Dootlittle's contribution to the ACS Division of PMSE, the field of polymeric materials, and financial contributions from royalties of his book, Technology of Solvents and Plasticizers. As the recipient of the Arthur K. Doolittle Award, the winner will receive a prize of $1,000 and a plaque, which will be presented at the PMSE/POLY Plenary Lecture and Awards Reception tentatively scheduled for Wednesday evening of the Spring 2025 National Meeting in San Diego, California.
To learn more about the Award, visit the PMSE website.