Event archive

Event archive

Room: Online Host: IMPRS-STNS

Good Scientific Presentations & Talks

The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact imprs@mpi-halle.mpg.de. [more]

How to plan your PhD

To receive the meeting link, please contact imprs@mpi-halle.mpg.de. [more]

What the heck is Tenure-Track?

In the German academic system, Tenure-Track is a relatively new concept. With a tenure-track position, one gets the opportunity to an immediately transition to a permanent position when successfully completing the probationary period (known as the tenure-track phase). The majority of tenure-track positions come along with a professorship; less common and known are lecturer or researcher positions with tenure-track. [more]
The places in the workshop are limited. For registration contact imprs@mpi-halle.mpg.de. [more]
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