Publications of Avanindra K. Pandeya

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Sivakumar, P. K.; Ahari, M. T.; Kim, J.-K.; Wu, Y.; Dixit, A.; de Coster, G. J.; Pandeya, A. K.; Gilbert, M. J.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Long-range phase coherence and tunable second order φ0-Josephson effect in a Dirac semimetal 1T-PtTe2. Communications Physics 7, 354 (2024)
Journal Article
Nádvorník, L.; Gueckstock, O.; Braun, L.; Niu, C.; Graefe, J.; Richter, G.; Schuetz, G.; Takagi, H.; Zeer, M.; Seifert, T. S. et al.; Kubaščík, P.; Pandeya, A. K.; Anane, A.; Yang, H.; Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Wolf, M.; Mokrousov, Y.; Nakamura, H.; Kampfrath, T.: Terahertz spin-to-charge current conversion in stacks of ferromagnets and the transition-metal dichalcogenide NbSe2. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (36), 2201675 (2023)
Journal Article
Pal, B.; Chakraborty, A.; Sivakumar, P. K.; Davydova, M.; Gopi, A. K.; Pandeya, A. K.; Krieger, J. A.; Zhang, Y.; Date, M.; Ju, S. et al.; Yuan, N.; Schröter, N. B. M.; Fu, L.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Josephson diode effect from Cooper pair momentum in a topological semimetal. Nature Physics 18, pp. 1228 - 1233 (2022)
Journal Article
Pal, B.; Hazra, B. K.; Göbel, B.; Jeon, J.-C.; Pandeya, A. K.; Chakraborty, A.; Busch, O.; Srivastava, A. K.; Deniz, H.; Taylor, J. M. et al.; Meyerheim, H.; Mertig, I.; Yang, S.-H.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Setting of the magnetic structure of chiral kagome antiferromagnets by a seeded spin-orbit torque. Science Advances 8 (24), eabo5930 (2022)
Journal Article
Tilmann, B.; Pandeya, A. K.; Grinblat, G.; Menezes, L. d. S.; Li, Y.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Maier, S. A.: Ultrafast sub-100 fs all-optical modulation and efficient third-harmonic generation in Weyl semimetal Niobium Phosphide thin films. Advanced Materials 34 (15), 2106733 (2022)
Journal Article
Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Ji, J.-R.; Pandeya, A. K.; Gargiani, P.; Valvidares, M.; Sessi, P.; Taylor, J. M.; Radu, F.; Chang, K.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Intrinsic 2D-XY ferromagnetism in a van der Waals monolayer. Science 374, pp. 616 - 620 (2021)
Journal Article
Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Liu, D.; Tan, H.; Pandeya, A. K.; Chang, K.; Zhang, J.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Large Fermi-energy shift and suppression of trivial surface states in NbP Weyl semimetal thin films. Advanced Materials, 2008634 (2021)
Journal Article
Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Pandeya, A. K.; Liu, D.; Deniz, H.; Chang, K.; Tan, H.; Han, H.; Jena, J.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Realization of epitaxial NbP and TaP Weyl semimetal thin films. ACS Nano 14 (4), pp. 4405 - 4413 (2020)
Journal Article
Minhas, M. Z.; Pandeya, A. K.; Grover, B.; Fumarola, A.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Hazra, B. K.; Hoppe, W.; Woltersdorf, G.; Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Parkin, S. S. P. et al.; Ali, M. N.: Doping-induced spin Hall ratio enhancement in A15-phase, Ta-doped β-W thin films. JPhys Materials 3 (4), 044001 (2020)
Journal Article
Chang, K.; Kaloni, T.; Lin, H.; Bedoya-Pinto, A.; Pandeya, A. K.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Zhao, K.; Zhong, Y.; Hu, X.; Xue, Q.-K. et al.; Chen, X.; Ji, S.-H.; Barraza-Lopez, S.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Enhanced spontaneous polarization in ultrathin SnTe films with layered antipolar structure. Advanced Materials Technologies 31 (3), 1804428 (2019)
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