Publications of Chandrasekhar Naisa

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Prasoon, A.; Ghouse, S.; Nguyen , N. N.; Yang, H.; Müller, A.; Naisa, C.; Paasch, S.; Herbawe, A.; Aiti, M. A.; Cuniberti, G. et al.; Brunner, E.; Feng, X.: Mimicking on-water surface synthesis through micellar interfaces. Nature Communications 15, 10495 (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, M.; Wang, G.; Naisa, C.; Fu, Y.; Gali, S. M.; Paasch, S.; Wang, M.; Wittkaemper, H.; Papp, C.; Brunner, E. et al.; Zhou, S.; Beljonne, D.; Steinrueck, H.-P.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.: Poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline)-Ladder-Type Two-Dimensional Conjugated Covalent Organic Framework for Fast Proton Storage. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (46), e202310937 (2023)
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