Event archive

Event archive

Room: Hörsaal Host: IMPRS-STNS
The goal of this workshop is to give you an overview on the services and tools, modern Synchrotron Light Sources Facilities provide to their users, to show how these are related with your research work, to show how you can get started and finally to guide you through the application process for beamtime. The format is a mixture between lectures and interaction forums in which all participants are expected to discuss details and ask questions to correlate your own research life to the opportunities described in the talks. The workshop will end with an exercise, in which groups of 3-4 scientists will write a proposal for which the group decides the subject. All proposals will be also reviewed by the other groups and the reviews will be discussed within an open table. [more]
A comprehensive two-day course covering methods and application of transport theory. [more]
A comprehensive two-day course covering methods and application of transport theory. [more]
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