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Join us at MPI of Microstructure Physics!
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for committed and strong personalities who enjoy working with team members from all over the world in a highly dynamic and competitive field of research that goes beyond the current state of knowledge. We believe in diverse teams and are looking forward especially to the application of female students.

What do we expect?
We expect you to work independently in accordance with the principles of good scientific practice. You should enjoy challenges and not be afraid to develop your own ideas and go beyond them. For PhD positions we require a MSc degree (or equivalent, e.g. 4-year Bachelor’s degree) in physics, materials science, or related fields, including a final thesis project.

What do we offer you?
We offer plenty of freedom for your own research ideas in state-of-the-art laboratories on an area of over 1400 square meters with unique capabilities. You will be supported by your supervisor and co-workers, by highly competent technicians and engineers with a wide range of expertise (vacuum, cryogenics, precision assembly) and a mechanical and electrical workshop to help you develop outstanding systems and components. In addition you will benefit from the support (courses, workshops, lectures) provided by our local graduate school IMPRS-STNS, the resources of the Max Planck Society and a network of renowned scientists from all over the world that we collaborate with successfully.

Find your research topic!

This project involves the fabrication of van der Waals heterostructures and performing magnetic imaging measurements utilizing state-of-the-art Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy and/or Magnetic Force Microscopy systems at temperatures below 50 K. [more]
This project deals with the ionitronic manipulation of material properties to explore new physics and  functional devices based on ionitronics which can lead to novel applications. [more]
This project deals with atomically engineered materials that possess exotic physical properties and underpin the fields of spintronics, oxide electronics, cognitive devices and routes to room temperature superconductors. [more]
Dive into the cutting-edge intersection of superconductivity, magnetism, and topology as we explore novel Cooper pairing mechanisms and push the boundaries of quantum physics with state-of-the-art technology. [more]
We explore novel physics and spin-dependent phenomena from atomically engineered spintronic materials and state-of-the-art devices. [more]
This project deals with exploring the physics behind voltage-controlled superconductivity in metallic  and high-Tc superconductors (with various dielectric materials for the gate effect) via highly sophisticated electrical transport measurements and devices. [more]

How to apply?

Applications are continuously welcome to make the start of your doctoral studies as flexible as possible.

Please submit your CV, two letters of reference from academic supervisors you have collaborated with, and either your motivation for one of the research projects described above or a preliminary outline of another potential research project you propose to work on in our department (max. 1 page). For the latter, please consult our website to familiarize yourself with our research areas and our facilities

Please submit your documents by email to .

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