Publikationen von A. Ernst

Zeitschriftenartikel (94)

Park, D.-S.; Rata, A. D.; Maznichenko I., V.; Ostanin, S.; Gan, Y. L.; Agrestini, S.; Rees, G. J.; Walker, M.; Li, J.; Herrero-Martin, J. et al.; Singh, G.; Luo, Z.; Bhatnagar, A.; Chen, Y. Z.; Tileli, V.; Muralt, P.; Kalaboukhov, A.; Mertig, I.; Dörr, K.; Ernst, A.; Pryds, N.: The emergence of magnetic ordering at complex oxide interfaces tuned by defects. Nature Communications 11 (1), 3650 (2020)
Rodriguez-Vega, M.; Lin, Z.-X.; Leonardo, A.; Ernst, A.; Chaudhary, G.; Vergniory, M. G.; Fiete, G. A.: Phonon-mediated dimensional crossover in bilayer CrI3. Physical Review B 102 (8), 081117 (2020)
Wang, X.-G.; Chotorlishvili, L.; Arnold, N.; Dugaev, V. K.; Maznichenko, I.; Barnas, J.; Buczek, P. A.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Ernst, A.: Plasmonic skyrmion lattice based on the magnetoelectric effect. Physical Review Letters 125 (22), 227201 (2020)
Wang, X.-G.; Chotorlishvili, L.; Dugaev, V. K.; Ernst, A.; Maznichenko, I. V.; Arnold, N.; Jia, C.; Berakdar, J.; Mertig, I.; Barnas, J.: The optical tweezer of skyrmions. npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 140 (2020)
Yoshikawa, T.; Antonov, V. N.; Kono, T.; Kakoki, M.; Sumida, K.; Miyamoto, K.; Takeda, Y.; Saitoh, Y.; Goto, K.; Sakuraba, Y. et al.; Hono, K.; Ernst, A.; Kimura, A.: Unveiling spin-dependent unoccupied electronic states of Co2MnGe (Ga) film via Ge (Ga) L2,3 absorption spectroscopy. Physical Review B 102 (6), 064428 (2020)
Aull, T.; Şaşıoğlu, E.; Maznichenko, I. V.; Ostanin, S.; Ernst, A.; Mertig, I.; Galanakis, I.: Ab initio design of quaternary Heusler compounds for reconfigurable magnetic tunnel diodes and transistors. Physical Review Materials 3 (12), 124415 (2019)
Ben Hamed, H.; Hoffmann, M.; Adeagbo, W. A.; Ernst, A.; Hergert, W.; Hynninen, T.; Kokko, K.; Paturi, P.: First-principles investigations of the magnetic phase diagram of Gd1-xCaxMnO3. Physical Review B 99 (14), 144428 (2019)
Chotorlishvili, L.; Gudyma, A.; Waetzel, J.; Ernst, A.; Berakdar, J.: Spin-orbit-coupled quantum memory of a double quantum dot. Physical Review B 100 (17), 174413 (2019)
Kouzakov, K.; Chotorlishvili, L.; Wätzel, J.; Berakdar, J.; Ernst, A.: Entanglement balance of quantum (e, 2e) scattering processes. Physical Review A 100 (2), 022311 (2019)
Maznichenko, I. V.; Ostanin, S.; Ernst, A.; Mertig, I.: Tunable 2D electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) interface. Physical Review Materials 3 (7), 074006 (2019)
Ostanin, S.; Borisov, V.; Fedorov D., V.; Salamatov E., I.; Ernst, A.; Mertig, I.: Role of tetrahedrally coordinated dopants in palladium hydrides on their superconductivity and inverse isotope effect. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (7), 075703 (2019)
Otrokov, M.M.; Klimovskikh, I.I.; Bentmann, H.; Estyunin, D.; Zeugner, A.; Aliev, Z.S.; Gaß, S.; Wolter, A.U.B.; Koroleva, A.V.; Shikin, A.M. et al.; Blanco-Rey, M.; Hoffmann, M.; Rusinov, I.P.; Vyazovskaya, A.Y.; Eremeev, S.V.; Koroteev, Y.M.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Freyse, F.; Sánchez-Barriga, J.; Amiraslanov, I.R.; Babanly, M.B.; Mamedov, N.T.; Abdullayev, N.A.; Zverev, V.N.; Alfonsov, A.; Kataev, V.; Büchner, B.; Schwier, E.F.; Kumar, S.; Kimura, A.; Petaccia, L.; Di Santo, G.; Vidal, R.C.; Schatz, S.; Kißner, K.; Ünzelmann, M.; Min, C.H.; Moser, S.; Peixoto, T.R.F.; Reinert, F.; Ernst, A.; Echenique, P.M.; Isaeva, A.; Chulkov, E.V.: Prediction and observation of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator. Nature 576 (7787), S. 416 - 422 (2019)
Otrokov, M. M.; Rusinov, I. P.; Blanco-Rey, M.; Hoffmann, M.; Vyazovskaya, A. Y.; Eremeev, S. V.; Ernst, A.; Echenique, P. M.; Amau, A.; Chulkov, E. V.: Unique thickness-dependent properties of the van der Waals interlayer antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 films. Physical Review Letters 122 (10), 107202 (2019)
Özdoğan, K.; Maznichenko, I. V.; Ostanin, S.; Şaşıoğlu, E.; Ernst, A.; Mertig, I.; Galanakis, I.: High spin polarization in all-3d-metallic Heusler compounds: The case of Fe2CrZ and Co2CrZ (Z = Sc,Ti,V). Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (20), 205003 (2019)
Qin, H. J.; Tsurkan, S.; Ernst, A.; Zakeri, K.: Experimental realization of atomic-scale magnonic crystals. Physical Review Letters 123 (25), 257202/ (2019)
Toklikishvili, Z.; Chotorlishvili, L.; Stagraczynski, S.; Dugaev, V. K.; Ernst, A.; Barnas, J.; Berakdar, J.: Effects of spin-dependent electronic correlations on surface states in topological insulators. Physical Review B 100 (23), 235419 (2019)
Adeagbo, W. A.; Hoffmann, M.; Ernst, A.; Hergert, W.; Saloaro, M.; Paturi, P.; Kokko, K.: Tuning the probability of defect formation via substrate strains in Sr2FeMoO6 films. Physical Review Materials 2 (8), 083604 (2018)
Antonov, V. N.; Bekenov, L. V.; Uba, S.; Ernst, A.: Electronic structure and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism in Sm-doped Bi2Se3. Acta Physica Polonica A 133 (3), S. 453 - 455 (2018)
Buczek, P.; Thomas, S.; Marmodoro, A.; Buczek, N.; Zubizarreta, X.; Hoffmann, M.; Balashov, T.; Wulfhekel, W.; Zakeri, K.; Ernst, A.: Spin waves in disordered materials. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (42), 423001 (2018)
Duffy, L. B.; Frisk, A.; Burn, D. M.; Steinke, N.-J.; Herrero-Martin, J.; Ernst, A.; van der Laan, G.; Hesjedal, T.: Imposing long-range ferromagnetic order in rare-earth-doped magnetic topological-insulator heterostructures. Physical Review Materials 2 (5), 054201 (2018)
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