Publikationen von Arthur Ernst

Zeitschriftenartikel (94)

Glavic, A.; Summers, B.; Dahal, A.; Kline, J.; Herck, W. V.; Sukhov, A.; Ernst, A.; Singh, D. K.: Spin solid versus magnetic charge ordered state in artificial honeycomb lattice of connected elements. Advanced Science 5 (1), 1700856 (2018)
Gunasekera, J.; Dahal, A.; Chen, Y.; Rodriguez-Rivera, J. A.; Harriger, L. W.; Thomas, S.; Heitmann, T. W.; Dugaev, V.; Ernst, A.; Singh, D. K.: Quantum magnetic properties in perovskite with Anderson localized artificial spin-1/2. Advanced Science 5 (5), 1700978 (2018)
Hervé, M.; Balashov, T.; Ernst, A.; Wulfhekel, W.: Large tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance mediated by surface states. Physical Review B 97 (22), 220406(R) (2018)
Hoffmann, M.; Antonov, V. N.; Bekenov, L. V.; Kokko, K.; Hergert, W.; Ernst, A.: Variation of magnetic properties of Sr2FeMoO6 due to oxygen vacancies. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (30), 305801 (2018)
Maznichenko, I. V.; Ostanin, S.; Dugaev, V. K.; Mertig, I.; Ernst, A.: Impact of long-range disorder on the two-dimensional electron gas formation at a LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. Physical Review Materials 2 (7), 074003 (2018)
Polyakov, A.; Tusche, C.; Ellguth, M.; Crozier, E. D.; Mohseni, K.; Otrokov, M. M.; Zubizarreta Iriarte, X.; Garcia Vergniory, M.; Geilhufe, M.; Chulkov, E. V. et al.; Ernst, A.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Reply to “Comment on ‘Instability of the topological surface state in Bi2Se3 upon deposition of gold' ”. Physical Review B 98 (13), 136202 (2018)
Rybkin, A. G.; Rybkina, A. A.; Otrokov, M. M.; Vilkov, O. Y.; Klimovskikh, I. I.; Petukhov, A. E.; Filianina, M. V.; Voroshnin, V. Y.; Rusinov, I. P.; Ernst, A. et al.; Arnau, A.; Chulkov, E. V.; Shikin, A. M.: Magneto-spin-orbit graphene: Interplay between exchange and spin-orbit couplings. Nano Letters 18 (3), S. 1564 - 1574 (2018)
Schäffer, A. F.; Chotorlishvili, L.; Maznichenko, I. V.; Ernst, A.; Dörr, K.; Mertig, I.; Berakdar, J.: Element specific hysteresis of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-SrRuO3 (LSMO-SRO) heterostructures. APL Materials 6 (7), 076103 (2018)
Klimovshikh, I. I.; Shikin, A. M.; Otrokov, M. M.; Ernst, A.; Rusinov, I. P.; Tereshchenko, O. E.; Golyashov, V. A.; Sanchez-Barriga, J.; Varykhalov, A. Y.; Rader, O. et al.; Kokh, K. A.; Chulkov, E. V.: Giant magnetic band gap in the Rashba-split surface state of vanadium-doped BiTel: A combined photoemission and ab initio study. Scientific Reports 7, 3353 (2017)
Maryenko, D.; Mishchenko, A. S.; Bahramy, M. S.; Ernst, A.; Falson, J.; Kozuka, Y.; Tsukazaki, A.; Nagaosa, N.; Kawasaki, M.: Observation of anomalous Hall effect in a non-magnetic two-dimensional electron system. Nature Communications 8 (14), 14777 (2017)
Otrokov, M. M.; Ernst, A.; Mohseni, K.; Fulara, H.; Roy, S.; Castro, G. R.; Rubio-Zuazo, J.; Ryabishchenkova, A. G.; Kokh, K. A.; Tereshchenko, O. E. et al.; Aliev, Z. S.; Babanly, M. B.; Chulkov, E. V.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Geometric and electronic structure of the Cs-doped Bi2Se3(0001) surface. Physical Review B 95 (20), 205429 (2017)
Polyakov, A.; Tusche, C.; Ellguth, M.; Crozier, E. D.; Mohseni, K.; Otrokov, M. M.; Zubizarreta Iriarte, X.; Vergniory, M. G.; Geilhufe, M.; Chulkov, E. V. et al.; Ernst, A.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Instability of the topological surface state in Bi2Se3 upon deposition of gold. Physical Review B 95 (18), 180202 (2017)
Qin, H. J.; Zakeri Lori, K.; Ernst, A.; Kirschner, J.: Temperature dependence of magnetic excitations: Terahertz magnons above the Curie temperature. Physical Review Letters 118 (12), 127203 (2017)
Takahashi, Y.; Miyamachi, T.; Nakashima, S.; Kawamura, N.; Takagi, Y.; Uozumi, M.; Antonov, V. N.; Tokoyama, T.; Ernst, A.; Komori, F.: Thickness-dependent electronic and magnetic properties of γ'-Fe4N atomic layers on Cu(001). Physical Review B 95 (22), 224417 (2017)
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