Publikationen von Xinliang Feng

Zeitschriftenartikel (152)

Hashemi, P.; Sabaghi, D.; Yang, S.; Shaygan Nia, A.; Feng, X.: Electrochemical Exfoliation to Produce High-Quality Black Phosphorus. Journal of Visualized Experiments (188), e64109 (2022)
Lu, Y.; Zhong, H.; Li, J.; Dominic, A. M.; Hu, Y.; Gao, Z.; Jiao, Y.; Wu, M.; Qi, H.; Huang, C. et al.; Wayment, L. J.; Kaiser, U.; Spiecker, E.; Weidinger, I. M.; Zhang, W.; Feng, X.; Dong, R.: sp‐Carbon incorporated conductive metal‐organic framework as photocathode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (39), e202208163 (2022)
Zhang, J.; Chen, G.; Liu, Q.; Fan, C.; Sun, D.; Tang, Y.; Sun, H.; Feng, X.: Competitive adsorption: reducing the poisoning effect of adsorbed hydroxyl on Ru single‐atom site with SnO2 for efficient hydrogen evolution. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (39), e202209486 (2022)
Wang, X.; An, Y.; Liu, L.; Fang, L.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Qi, H.; Heine, T.; Li, T.; Kuc, A. et al.; Yu, M.; Feng, X.: Atomically dispersed pentacoordinated‐Zirconium catalyst with axial oxygen ligand for oxygen reduction reaction. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (36), e202209746 (2022)
Wang, G.; Zhu, M.; Chen, G.; Qu, Z.; Kohn, B.; Scheler, U.; Chu, X.; Fu, Y.; Schmidt, O. G.; Feng, X.: An anode‐free Zn–graphite battery. Advanced Materials 34 (29), 2201957 (2022)
Zhang, Z.; Bhauriyal, P.; Sahabudeen, H.; Wang, Z.; Liu, X.; Hambsch, M.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Dong, R.; Heine, T.; Feng, X.: Cation-selective two-dimensional polyimine membranes for high-performance osmotic energy conversion. Nature Communications 13 (1), 3935 (2022)
Liang, B.; Zhang, Y.; Leist, C.; Ou, Z.; Polozij, M.; Wang, Z.; Muecke, D.; Dong, R.; Zheng, Z.; Heine, T. et al.; Feng, X.; Kaiser, U.; Qi, H.: Optimal acceleration voltage for near-atomic resolution imaging of layer-stacked 2D polymer thin films. Nature Communications 13 (1), 3948 (2022)
Ajayakumar, M. R.; Di Giovannantonio, M.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Yang, L.; Ruffieux, P.; Ma, J.; Fasel, R.; Feng, X.: On‐surface synthesis of porous graphene nanoribbons containing nonplanar [14]annulene pores. Journal of Polymer Science 60 (12), S. 1912 - 1917 (2022)
Wu, F.; Ma, J.; Lombardi, F.; Fu, Y.; Liu, F.; Huang, Z.; Liu, R.; Komber, H.; Alexandropoulos, D. I.; Dmitrieva, E. et al.; Lohr, T. G.; Israel, N.; Popov, A. A.; Liu, J.; Bogani, L.; Feng, X.: Benzo‐extended cyclohepta[def]fluorene derivatives with very low‐lying triplet states. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (23), e202202170 (2022)
Chen, G.; An, Y.; Liu, S.; Sun, F.; Qi, H.; Wu, H.; He, Y.; Liu, P.; Shi, R.; Zhang, J. et al.; Kuc, A.; Kaiser, U.; Zhang, T.; Heine, T.; Wu, G.; Feng, X.: Highly accessible and dense surface single metal FeN4 active sites for promoting the oxygen reduction reaction. Energy & Environmental Science 15 (6), S. 2619 - 2628 (2022)
Haldar, S.; Wang, M.; Bhauriyal, P.; Hazra, A.; Khan, A. H.; Bon, V.; Isaacs, M. A.; De, A.; Shupletsov, L.; Boenke, T. et al.; Grothe, J.; Heine, T.; Brunner, E.; Feng, X.; Dong, R.; Schneemann, A.; Kaskel, S.: Porous dithiine-linked covalent organic framework as a dynamic platform for covalent polysulfide anchoring in lithium–sulfur battery cathodes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (20), S. 9101 - 9112 (2022)
Xu, S.; Liao, Z.; Dianat, A.; Park, S.-W.; Addicoat, M. A.; Fu, Y.; Pastoetter, D. L.; Fabozzi, F. G.; Liu, Y.; Cuniberti, G. et al.; Richter, M.; Hecht, S.; Feng, X.: Combination of Knoevenagel polycondensation and water-assisted dynamic Michael-addition-elimination for the synthesis of vinylene-linked 2D covalent organic frameworks. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (21), e202202492 (2022)
Liu, J.; Chen, Y.; Feng, X.; Dong, R.: Conductive 2D conjugated metal-organic framework thin films: synthesis and functions for (opto-)electronics. Small structures 3 (5), 2100210 (2022)
Zheng, W.; Sun, B.; Li, D.; Gali, S. M.; Zhang, H.; Fu, S.; Di Virgilio, L.; Li, Z.; Yang, S.; Zhou, S. et al.; Beljonne, D.; Yu, M.; Feng, X.; Wang I, H.; Bonn, M.: Band transport by large Fröhlich polarons in MXenes. Nature Physics 18, S. 544 - 550 (2022)
Sun, B.; Lu, Q.; Chen, K.; Zheng, W.; Liao, Z.; Lopatik, N.; Li, D.; Hantusch, M.; Zhou, S.; Wang I, H. et al.; Sofer, Z.; Brunner, E.; Zschech, E.; Bonn, M.; Dronskowski, R.; Mikhailova, D.; Liu, Q.; Zhang, D.; Yu, M.; Feng, X.: Redox-active metaphosphate-like terminals enable high-capacity MXene anodes for ultrafast Na-ion storage. Advanced Materials 34 (15), 2108682 (2022)
Pastoetter, D. L.; Liu, Y.; Addicoat, M. A.; Paasch, S.; Dianat, A.; Bodesheim, D.; Waentig, A. L.; Xu, S.; Borrelli, M.; Croy, A. et al.; Richter, M.; Brunner, E.; Cuniberti, G.; Feng, X.: Control of crystallinity of vinylene-linked two-dimensional conjugated polymers by rational monomer design. Chemistry – A European Journal 28 (20), e202104502 (2022)
Ajayakumar, M. R.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: π-extended peri-acenes: recent progress in synthesis and characterization. European Journal of Organic Chemistry (13), e202101428 (2022)
Galeotti, G.; Fritton, M.; Lischka, M.; Obermann, S.; Ma, J.; Heckl, W. M.; Feng, X.; Lackinger, M.: Initial coupling and reaction progression of directly deposited biradical graphene nanoribbon monomers on iodine-passivated versus pristine Ag(111). Chemistry 4, S. 259 - 269 (2022)
Yang, L.; Ma, J.; Zheng, W.; Osella, S.; Droste, J.; Komber, H.; Liu, K.; Boeckmann, S.; Beljonne, D.; Hansen, M. R. et al.; Bonn, M.; Wang I, H.; Liu, J.; Feng, X.: Solution synthesis and characterization of a long and curved graphene nanoribbon with hybrid cove-armchair-gulf edge structures. Advanced Science 9 (19), 2200708 (2022)
Zhang, J.-J.; Ma, J.; Liu, F.; Cui, L.-S.; Fu, Y.; Yang, L.; Popov, A. A.; Weigand, J. J.; Liu, J.; Feng, X.: Large acene derivatives with B-N Lewis pair doping: synthesis, characterization, and application. Organic Letters 24 (10), S. 1877 - 1882 (2022)
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