Zeitschriftenartikel (56)

Tan, K. T.; Ghosh, S.; Wang, Z.; Wen, F.; Rodríguez-San-Miguel, D.; Feng, J.; Huang, N.; Wang, W.; Zamora, F.; Feng, X. et al.; Thomas, A.; Jiang, D.: Covalent organic frameworks. Nature Reviews Methods Primers 3, 1 (2023)
Urbancic, J.; Tomsic, E.; Chhikara, M.; Pastukhova, N.; Tkachuk, V.; Dixon, A.; Mavric, A.; Hashemi, P.; Sabaghi, D.; Shaygan Nia, A. et al.; Bratina, G.; Pavlica, E.: Time-of-flight photoconductivity investigation of high charge carrier mobility in Ti3C2Tx MXenes thin-film. Diamond and Related Materials 135, 109879 (2023)
Wang, D.; Bao, D.-L.; Zheng, Q.; Wang, C.-T.; Wang, S.; Fan, P.; Mishra, S.; Tao, L.; Xiao, Y.; Huang, L. et al.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Fasel, R.; Ruffieux, P.; Du, S.; Gao, H.-J.: Twisted bilayer zigzag-graphene nanoribbon junctions with tunable edge states. Nature Communications 14, 1018 (2023)
Wang, M.; Fu, S.; Petkov, P.; Fu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Ma, J.; Chen, G.; Gali, S. M.; Gao, L. et al.; Lu, Y.; Paasch, S.; Zhong, H.; Steinrück, H.-P.; Cánovas, E.; Brunner, E.; Beljonne, D.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.: Exceptionally high charge mobility in phthalocyanine-based poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline)-ladder-type two-dimensional conjugated polymers. Nature Materials 22, S. 880 - 887 (2023)
Wang, M.; Wang, G.; Naisa, C.; Fu, Y.; Gali, S. M.; Paasch, S.; Wang, M.; Wittkaemper, H.; Papp, C.; Brunner, E. et al.; Zhou, S.; Beljonne, D.; Steinrueck, H.-P.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.: Poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline)-Ladder-Type Two-Dimensional Conjugated Covalent Organic Framework for Fast Proton Storage. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (46), e202310937 (2023)
Wang, X.; Yu, M.; Feng, X.: Electronic structure regulation of noble metal-free materials toward alkaline oxygen electrocatalysis. eScience 3 (4), 100141 (2023)
Wei, F.; Zhang, T.; Dong, R.; Wu, Y.; Li, W.; Fu, J.; Jing, C.; Cheng, J.; Feng, X.; Liu, S.: Solution-based self-assembly synthesis of two-dimensional-ordered mesoporous conducting polymer nanosheets with versatile properties. Nature Protocols 18, S. 2459 - 2484 (2023)
Wu, F.; Barragán, A.; Gallardo, A.; Yang, L.; Biswas, K.; Écija, D.; Mendieta‐Moreno, J. I.; Urgel, J. I.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Structural Expansion of Cyclohepta[def]fluorene towards Azulene‐Embedded Non‐Benzenoid Nanographenes. Chemistry – A European Journal 29 (51), e202301739 (2023)
Yang, B.; Gu, Y.; Paternò, G. M.; Teyssandier, J.; Maghsoumi, A.; Barker, A. J.; Mali, K. S.; Scotognella, F.; De Feyter, S.; Tommasini, M. et al.; Feng, X.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.: Zigzag‐edged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from benzo[m]tetraphene precursors. Chemistry – A European Journal 29 (22), e202203981 (2023)
Yang, L.; Ju, Y.-Y.; Medel, M. A. A.; Fu, Y.; Komber, H.; Dmitrieva, E.; Zhang, J.-J.; Obermann, S.; Campana, A. G. G.; Ma, J. et al.; Feng, X.: Helical bilayer nonbenzenoid nanographene bearing a [10]helicene with two embedded heptagons. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (4), e202216193 (2023)
Zhang, J.-J.; Liu, K.; Xiao, Y.; Yu, X.; Huang, L.; Gao, H.-J.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Precision Graphene Nanoribbon Heterojunctions by Chain-Growth Polymerization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (41), e202310880 (2023)
Zhang, J.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Precision synthesis of boron‐doped graphene nanoribbons: recent progress and perspectives. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 224 (1), 2200232 (2023)
Zhang, J.-J.; Yang, L.; Liu, F.; Serra, G.; Fu, Y.; Lucotti, A.; Popov, A. A.; Tommasini, M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Pushing Up the Size Limit of Boron-doped peri-Acenes: Modular Synthesis and Characterizations. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (48), e202312055 (2023)
Zhang, J.; Zhou, G.; Un, H.-I.; Zheng, F.; Jastrzembski, K.; Wang, M.; Guo, Q.; Muecke, D.; Qi, H.; Lu, Y. et al.; Wang, Z.; Liang, Y.; Loeffler, M.; Kaiser, U.; Frauenheim, T.; Mateo-Alonso, A.; Huang, Z.; Sirringhaus, H.; Feng, X.; Dong, R.: Wavy Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal-Organic Framework with Metallic Charge Transport. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (43), S. 23630 - 23638 (2023)
Zhang, P.; Wang, M.; Liu, Y.; Fu, Y.; Gao, M.; Wang, G.; Wang, F.; Wang, Z.; Chen, G.; Yang, S. et al.; Liu, Y.; Dong, R.; Yu, M.; Lu, X.; Feng, X.: Largely pseudocapacitive two-dimensional conjugated metal-organic framework anodes with lowest unoccupied molecular orbital localized in Nickel-bis(dithiolene) linkages. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (11), S. 6247 - 6256 (2023)
Zhou, Y.; Lu, R.; Tao, X.; Qiu, Z.; Chen, G.; Yang, J.; Zhao, Y.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: Boosting oxygen electrocatalytic activity of Fe–N–C catalysts by phosphorus incorporation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (6), S. 3647 - 3655 (2023)
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