Zeitschriftenartikel (92)

Liu, X.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Lei, D.; Li, X.; Zhang, Z.; Feng, X. L.: Highly Anion‐Conductive Viologen‐Based Two‐Dimensional Polymer Membranes as Nanopower Generators. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202409349 (2024)
Liu, Y.; Dai, X.; Zeng, X.; Yuan, X.; Wang, Y.; Song, Y.; Chen, H.; Zhang, C.; Wang, Y.; Wan, L. et al.; Zou, Y.; Ning, W.; Sun, B.: High‐Efficient Blue Emission and Bandgap Engineering from Jahn–Teller Distorted Halide Double Perovskites. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (3), 2301576 (2024)
Liu, Y.; Huang, S.; Huang, X.; Ma, D.: Enhanced photocatalysis of metal/covalent organic frameworks by plasmonic nanoparticles and homo/hetero-junctions. Materials Horizons 11 (7), S. 1611 - 1637 (2024)
Liu, Y.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Ye, Z.; Sham, T.-K.; Xu, P.; Cao, M.; Zhang, Q.; Yin, Y.; Chen, J.: Universal and scalable synthesis of photochromic single-atom catalysts for plastic recycling. Nature Communications 15, 9357 (2024)
Liu, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Yu, H.; Yang, Q.; Wang, M.; Huang, C.; Xiang, L.; Li, C.; Heine, T.; Hu, G. et al.; Wang, S.; Feng, X.; Mai, Y.: Increasing the Accessibility of Internal Catalytic Sites in Covalent Organic Frameworks by Introducing a Bicontinuous Mesostructure. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (15), e202400985 (2024)
Lu, Y.; Hu, Z.; Petkov, P.; Fu, S.; Qi, H.; Huang, C.; Liu, Y.; Huang, X.; Wang, M.; Zhang, P. et al.; Kaiser, U.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I.; Samori, P.; Coronado, E.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.: Tunable Charge Transport and Spin Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (4), S. 2574 - 2582 (2024)
Lu, Y.; Samorì, P.; Feng, X.: Rational Construction of Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal–Organic Frameworks (2D c-MOFs) for Electronics and Beyond. Accounts of Chemical Research 57 (14), S. 1985 - 1996 (2024)
Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Chain-growth polymerization enables the controlled synthesis of graphene nanoribbons. Chem 10 (2), S. 435 - 437 (2024)
Mitrofanov, A.; Dreimann, O.; Zakirova, K.; Waentig, A. L.; Wrzesińska-Lashkova, A.; Kuc, A.; Ruck, M.; Vaynzof, Y.; Feng, X.; Voit, B.: Narrow Bandgap 1D Lead Iodide Perovskite with Aminophenyl Viologen. Inorganic Chemistry (2024)
Morag, A.; Chu, X.; Marczewski, M.; Kunigkeit, J.; Neumann, C.; Sabaghi, D.; Zukowska, G. Z.; Du, J.; Li, X.; Turchanin, A. et al.; Brunner, E.; Feng, X.; Yu, M.: Unlocking Four-electron Conversion in Tellurium Cathodes for Advanced Magnesium-based Dual-ion Batteries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (19), e202401818 (2024)
Mücke, D.; Liang, B.; Wang, Z.; Qi, H.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.; Kaiser, U.: In-situ imaging of heat-induced phase transition in a two-dimensional conjugated metal-organic framework. Micron 184, 103677 (2024)
Muecke, D.; Cooley, I.; Liang, B.; Wang, Z.; Park, S.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.; Qi, H.; Besley, E.; Kaiser, U.: Understanding the Electron Beam Resilience of Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal-Organic Frameworks. Nano Letters 24 (10), S. 3014 - 3020 (2024)
Mukherjee, S.; Zhang, Z.; Wajs, M.; Spadaro, M. C.; Gonzalez-Catala, M.; Givan, U.; Senz, S.; Arbiol, J.; Francoeur, S.; Volz, S. et al.; Moutanabbir, O.: Thermal Conductivity in Biphasic Silicon Nanowires. Nano Letters 24 (46), S. 14648 - 14655 (2024)
Ni, F.; Wang, Z.; Feng, X.: On-Water Surface Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Polymer Membranes for Sustainable Energy Devices. Accounts of Chemical Research 57 (16), S. 2414 - 2427 (2024)
Niu, W.; Fu, Y.; Deng, Q.; Qiu, Z.-L.; Liu, F.; Popov, A. A.; Komber, H.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Enhancing Chiroptical Responses in Helical Nanographenes via Geometric Engineering of Double [7]Helicenes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (19), e202319874 (2024)
Obermann, S.; Zhou, X.; Guerrero‐León, L. A.; Serra, G.; Böckmann, S.; Fu, Y.; Dmitrieva, E.; Zhang, J.-J.; Liu, F.; Popov, A. A. et al.; Lucotti, A.; Hansen, M. R.; Tommasini, M.; Li, Y.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Wavy Graphene Nanoribbons Containing Periodic Eight‐Membered Rings for Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202415670 (2024)
Prasoon, A.; Ghouse, S.; Nguyen , N. N.; Yang, H.; Müller, A.; Naisa, C.; Paasch, S.; Herbawe, A.; Aiti, M. A.; Cuniberti, G. et al.; Brunner, E.; Feng, X.: Mimicking on-water surface synthesis through micellar interfaces. Nature Communications 15, 10495 (2024)
Sabaghi, D.; Polcak, J.; Yang, H.; Li, X.; Morag, A.; Li, D.; Shaygan Nia, A.; Khosravi, S. H.; Sikola, T.; Feng, X. et al.; Yu, M.: Multifunctional Molecule-Grafted V2C MXene as High-Kinetics Potassium-Ion-Intercalation Anodes for Dual-Ion Energy Storage Devices. Advanced Energy Materials 14 (3), 2302961 (2024)
Saha, R.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Göbel, B.; Mertig, I.; Parkin, S. S. P.: High-temperature Néel skyrmions in Fe3GaTe2 stabilized by Fe intercalation into the van der Waals gap. npj spintronics 2, 21 (2024)
Schumann, F. O.; Wei, Z.; Di Filippo, G.; Stefani, G.: Evidence for double resonant Raman decay from a Ag surface. Physical Review B 109 (24), 245425 (2024)
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