Zeitschriftenartikel (92)

Zhang, J.; Chen, G.; Sun, D.; Tang, Y.; Xing, W.; Sun, H.; Feng, X.: Regulating Co–O covalency to manipulate mechanistic transformation for enhancing activity/durability in acidic water oxidation. Chemical Science (2024)
Zhang, L.; Xing, S.; He, T.; Wu, W.; Zhang, A.; Guo, Z.; Das, P.; Zheng, S.; Ge, J.; Feng, X. et al.; Sun, Z.; Wu, Z.: Vacancies Engineering in Molybdenum Boride MBene Nanosheets to Activate Room‐Temperature Ferromagnetism. Advanced Materials, 2411765 (2024)
Zhang, T.; Liu, T.; Wang, X.; Zhou, Y.; Wen, Y.; Li, J.; Bao, C.; Wan, L.; Yu, X.; Ning, W. et al.; Wang, Y.; Yang, D.: Surface Lattice Engineering Enables Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials, 2403554 (2024)
Zhang, W.; Ma, T.; Hazra, B. K.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Rigvedi, P.; Yin, Z.; Srivastava, A. K.; Wang, Z.; Gu, K.; Zhou, S. et al.; Wang, S.; Yang, S.-H.; Guan, Y.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Current-induced domain wall motion in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2. Nature Communications 15, 4851 (2024)
Zhao, C.; Catarina, G.; Zhang, J.; Henriques, J. C. G.; Yang, L.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.; Gröning, O.; Ruffieux, P.; Fernández-Rossier, J. et al.; Fasel, R.: Tunable topological phases in nanographene-based spin-1/2 alternating-exchange Heisenberg chains. Nature Nanotechnology (2024)
Zhao, C.; Huang, Q.; Valenta, L.; Eimre, K.; Yang, L.; Yakutovich, A. V.; Xu, W.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.; Juríček, M. et al.; Fasel, R.; Ruffieux, P.; Pignedoli, C. A.: Tailoring Magnetism of Graphene Nanoflakes via Tip-Controlled Dehydrogenation. Physical Review Letters 132 (4), 046201 (2024)
Zhao, F.; Zhang, G.; Xie, W.; Kong, X.; Duan, X.; Fu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Gao, G.; Zhu, T.; Hao, J. et al.; Li, H.; Dong, R.: Interfacial Synthesis of Two‐Dimensional Porphyrin Polymer Films with Large Optical Nonlinearity. Small structures, 2400152 (2024)
Zheng, S.; Bi, S.; Fu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Liu, M.; Xu, Q.; Zeng, G.: 3D Crown Ether Covalent Organic Framework as Interphase Layer toward High‐Performance Lithium Metal Batteries. Advanced Materials 36 (11), 2313076 (2024)
Zheng, S.; Fu, Y.; Bi, S.; Yang, X.; Xu, X.; Li, X.; Xu, Q.; Zeng, G.: Three‐Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework with Dense Lithiophilic Sites as Protective Layer to Enable High‐Performance Lithium Metal Battery. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202417973 (2024)
Zheng, S.; Xia, S.; Ouyang, Z.; Bi, S.; Fu, Y.; Liu, G.; Wang, Y.; Xu, Q.; Zeng, G.: Engineering Conjugation of Covalent Organic Frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reaction. ACS Catalysis 14 (24), S. 18524 - 18534 (2024)
Zhu, S.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, T.-Y.; Sun, Z.-X.; Zhu, F.; Cao, J.; Ma, F.-X.; Li, X.-d.; Zhang, X.-J.; Sun, Y.-F.: Selective CO2 electroreduction to formate over oxide-derived In nanosheets under industrial-current-density. Rare Metals (2024)
Zhuang, R.; Qu, C.; Yang, J.; Xu, S.; Xu, F.: Two‐dimensional sp2‐carbon‐linked covalent organic framework for large‐capacity and long‐life Na metal batteries. Journal of Polymer Science 62 (21), S. 4898 - 4907 (2024)

Poster (1)

Zhang, W.; Ma, T.; Hazra, B. K.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Rigvedi Madhusudan Rao, P.; Yin, Z.; Srivastava, A. K.; Wang, Z.; Gu, K.; Yang, S.-H. et al.; Guan, Y.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Current-induced domain wall motion in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2. US-German WE-Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany (2024)

Editorial (1)

Shuck, C. E.; Xiao, X.; Wang, Z.: Challenges and Opportunities in 2D Materials. Accounts of Chemical Research 57 (21), S. 3079 - 3080 (2024)

Preprint (1)

Palma, C.-A.; Li, J.; Mirzanejad, A.; Dong, W.-H.; Liu, K.; Richter, M.; Wang, X.-Y.; Berger, R.; Du, S.; Auwärter, W. et al.; Barth, J. V.; Ma, J.; Müllen, K.; Feng, X.; Sun, J.; Muechler, L.: Topological classification of cycloadditions occurring on-surface and in the solid-state. (2024)
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