Zeitschriftenartikel (220)

Yang, L.; Ma, J.; Zheng, W.; Osella, S.; Droste, J.; Komber, H.; Liu, K.; Boeckmann, S.; Beljonne, D.; Hansen, M. R. et al.; Bonn, M.; Wang I, H.; Liu, J.; Feng, X.: Solution synthesis and characterization of a long and curved graphene nanoribbon with hybrid cove-armchair-gulf edge structures. Advanced Science 9 (19), 2200708 (2022)
Zhang, J.; Chen, G.; Liu, Q.; Fan, C.; Sun, D.; Tang, Y.; Sun, H.; Feng, X.: Competitive adsorption: reducing the poisoning effect of adsorbed hydroxyl on Ru single‐atom site with SnO2 for efficient hydrogen evolution. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (39), e202209486 (2022)
Zhang, J.-J.; Ma, J.; Liu, F.; Cui, L.-S.; Fu, Y.; Yang, L.; Popov, A. A.; Weigand, J. J.; Liu, J.; Feng, X.: Large acene derivatives with B-N Lewis pair doping: synthesis, characterization, and application. Organic Letters 24 (10), S. 1877 - 1882 (2022)
Zhang, Z.; Bhauriyal, P.; Sahabudeen, H.; Wang, Z.; Liu, X.; Hambsch, M.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Dong, R.; Heine, T.; Feng, X.: Cation-selective two-dimensional polyimine membranes for high-performance osmotic energy conversion. Nature Communications 13 (1), 3935 (2022)
Zheng, W.; Sun, B.; Li, D.; Gali, S. M.; Zhang, H.; Fu, S.; Di Virgilio, L.; Li, Z.; Yang, S.; Zhou, S. et al.; Beljonne, D.; Yu, M.; Feng, X.; Wang I, H.; Bonn, M.: Band transport by large Fröhlich polarons in MXenes. Nature Physics 18, S. 544 - 550 (2022)
Zhong, H.; Wang, M.; Chen, G.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.: Two-dimensional conjugated metal-organic frameworks for electrocatalysis: opportunities and challenges. ACS Nano 16 (2), S. 1759 - 1780 (2022)
Chen, G.; Zhong, H.; Feng, X.: Active site engineering of single-atom carbonaceous electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Chemical Science 12 (48), D1SC05867C, S. 15802 - 15820 (2021)
Jeon, K.-R.; Hazra, B. K.; Cho, K.; Chakraborty, A.; Jeon, J.-C.; Han, H.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Kontos, T.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Long-range supercurrents through a chiral non-collinear antiferromagnet in lateral Josephson junctions. Nature Materials 20, S. 1358 - 1363 (2021)
Leitner, T.; Born, A.; Bidermane, I.; Ovsyannikov, R.; Johansson, F.O.L.; Sassa, Y.; Föhlisch, A.; Lindblad, A.; Schumann, F. O.; Svensson, S. et al.; Mårtensson, N.: The CoESCA station at BESSY: Auger electron–photoelectron coincidences from surfaces demonstrated for Ag MNN. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 250, 147075 (2021)
Maghsoumi, A.; Beser, U.; Feng, X.; Narita, A.; Muellen, K.; Castiglioni, C.; Tommasini, M.: Raman spectroscopy of holey nanographene C216. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2021)
Mishra, S.; Catarina, G.; Wu, F.; Ortiz, R.; Jacob, D.; Eimre, K.; Ma, J.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Feng, X.; Ruffieux, P. et al.; Fernández-Rossier, J.; Fasel, R.: Publisher Correction: Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains. Nature 599, S. E6 (2021)
Mishra, S.; Catarina, G.; Wu, F.; Ortiz, R.; Jacob, D.; Eimre, K.; Ma, J.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Feng, X.; Ruffieux, P. et al.; Fernández-Rossier, J.; Fasel, R.: Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains. Nature 598, S. 287 - 292 (2021)
Mukherjee, S.; Wajs, M.; De la Mata, M.; Givan, U.; Senz, S.; Arbiol, J.; Francoeur, S.; Moutanabbir, O.: Disentangling phonon channels in nanoscale heat transport. Physical Review B 104 (7), 075429 (2021)
Schumann, F. O.; Brandt, I.S.; Wei, Z.; Kirschner, J.; Giebels, F.; Gollisch, H.; Feder, R.: Electron and positron pair emission by low energy positron impact on surfaces. Progress in Surface Science 96 (2), 100629 (2021)
Sharma, A. K.; Jena, J.; Rana, K. G.; Markou, A.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Mohseni, K.; Srivastava, A. K.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Felser, C.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Nanoscale noncollinear spin textures in thin Films of a D2d Heusler compound. Advanced Materials 33 (32), 2101323 (2021)
Shi, H.; Fu, S.; Liu, Y.; Neumann, C.; Wang, M.; Dong, H.; Kot, P.; Bonn, M.; Wang I, H.; Turchanin, A. et al.; Schmidt, O. G.; Shaygan Nia, A.; Yang, S.; Feng, X.: Molecularly engineered black phosphorus heterostructures with improved ambient stability and enhanced charge carrier mobility. Advanced Materials 33 (48), 2105694 (2021)
Turco, E.; Mishra, S.; Melidonie, J.; Eimre, K.; Obermann, S.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Fasel, R.; Feng, X.; Ruffieux, P.: On-surface synthesis and characterization of super-nonazethrene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (34), S. 8314 - 8319 (2021)
Wang, Z.; Walter, L. S.; Wang, M.; Petkov, P. S.; Liang, B.; Qi, H.; Nguyen, N. N.; Hambsch, M.; Zhong, H.; Wang, M. et al.; Park, S.; Renn, L.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Heine, T.; Kaiser, U.; Zhou, S.; Weitz, R. T.; Feng, X.; Dong, R.: Interfacial synthesis of layer-oriented 2D conjugated metal–organic framework films toward directional charge transport. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (34), S. 13624 - 13632 (2021)
Zhang, J.-J.; Yang, L.; Liu, F.; Fu, Y.; Liu, J.; Popov, A. A.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: A modular cascade synthetic strategy toward structurally constrained boron-doped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (49), S. 25695 - 25700 (2021)
Zhong, H.; Wang, M.; Ghorbani-Asl, M.; Zhang, J.; Ly, K. H.; Liao, Z.; Chen, G.; Wei, Y.; Biswal, B. P.; Zschech, E. et al.; Weidinger, I. M.; Krasheninnikov, A. V.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.: Boosting the electrocatalytic conversion of nitrogen to ammonia on metal-phthalocyanine-based two-dimensional conjugated covalent organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (47), S. 19992 - 20000 (2021)
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