

Raum: Lecture Hall, B.1.11 Gastgeber: IMPRS-STNS
The training supports participants in preparing for presentations of all kinds – such as specialist presentations for conferences, their own disputation or similar events. This workshop will provide you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to present yourself confidently and competently in key scenarios. It will cover a range of topics including expressive behaviour, speaker impact, speech structure and dealing with difficult question.Through theoretical input, numerous exercises and targeted (video)feedback, participants are made aware of their own and others' presentation behaviour and guided to make improvements. [mehr]
Publications of research results are the currency of modern science. While scientific writing may not always be the most thrilling aspect of your work, it is undeniably essential for shaping your future research and career prospects. In this course, you will be introduced to the process of writing a scientific paper. This workshop is about practical application. You will work with your own data throughout the seminar and apply the concepts to your manuscript. [mehr]
Are you curious about Linux but have little to no experience with it? Join our "Linux for Beginners" course, where you will get helpful insights into this operating system. [mehr]
The aim of the course is to introduce you to the most common Machine Learning tools. These tools include classical methods such as Linear Models, standard methods like Trees and Support Vector Machines or more recent tools like UMAP or Artificial Neuronal Networks. The tools will be explained by discussing an hands-on example and by briefly working out the underlying mathematical idea. [mehr]
This workshop is tailored specifically for postdocs and more advanced PhD students who are considering submitting a proposal for any type of grant. You will have the opportunity to evaluate and develop your project idea and your proposal inlight of the requirements of the funding agency. [mehr]
This workshop provides insights into the world of academic publishing from the perspective of Benjamin Heinrich, a senior editor at Nature Nanotechnology, one of the leading journals in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The session aims to demystify the publishing process, from manuscript submission to publication, and to provide practical advice on how to enhance the chances of your work being published in high-impact journals. We will also get career advice and discuss how to become an editor. [mehr]
Careers in academia are often challenging, because only a minority of people gets a permanent position. In this workshop we first talk about how to make it for a permanent position in academia. After that you will learn how to find career paths outside of academia. The workshop is focussed on the German labour market, but includes some aspects of careers in Austria, Switzerland, UK and US. Furthermore, strategies for the non-academic market can be used in many countries. [mehr]
Scientists make some mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside of academia. This workshop will help you to write a convincing application. [mehr]
Displaying a poster at an academic conference is an important and effective way for junior researchers to present their work in progress to the international scientific community. As such, the poster presentation is not only a good alternative to a classic conference talk, but also offers an almost ideal opportunity to network with colleagues working in a similar field. Yet, many posters are inadequately written and/or designed and fail to attract visitors, and poster presenters, thus, often miss their chance to connect with their fellow researchers when discussing their posters. [mehr]

How we can model and use symmetry

Scientific Module
After some motivation and first examples, we look at groups systematically and explore the mathematical language to study them. There will be exercises to work on and we discuss solutions (even if incomplete). One of the goals is to understand the symmetry of regular n-gons and to really get in touch with mathematical reasoning. And of course we want to discuss where symmetry might play a role in your work! [mehr]
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