Publikationen von J. K. Dewhurst

Zeitschriftenartikel (46)

Dewhurst, J. K.; Gill, D.; Shallcross, S.; Sharma, S.: Kohn-Sham-Proca equations for ultrafast exciton dynamics. Physical Review B 111, L060302 (2025)
Sharma, S.; Gill, D.; Krishna, J.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Elliott, P.; Shallcross, S.: Combining THz and Infrared Light to Control Valley Charge and Current in Gapless Graphene. Nano Letters 25 (10), S. 3791 - 3798 (2025)
Bonfà, P.; Sharma, S.; Dewhurst, J. K.: Partially deorbitalized meta-GGA. Computational Materials Today 1, 100002 (2024)
Harris-Lee, E. I.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Shallcross, S.; Sharma, S.: Spin vacuum switching. Science Advances 10 (28), eado6390 (2024)
Möller, C.; Probst, H.; Jansen, G. S. M.; Schumacher, M.; Brede, M.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Reutzel, M.; Steil, D.; Sharma, S.; Mathias, S.: Verification of ultrafast spin transfer effects in iron-nickel alloys. Communications Physics 7, 74 (2024)
Sharma, S.; Gill, D.; Krishna, J.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Shallcross, S.: Direct coupling of light to valley current. Nature Communications 15, 7579 (2024)
Harris-Lee, E. I.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Elliott, P.; Shallcross, S.; Sharma, S.: Applicability and breakdown of transient magnetic linear dichroism. Physical Review B 108 (10), L100303 (2023)
Sharma, S.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Shallcross, S.: Light-Shaping of Valley States. Nano Letters 23 (24), S. 11533 - 11539 (2023)
Bonfà, P.; Chicco, S.; Cugini, F.; Sharma, S.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Allodi, G.: Magnetic phase diagram of the austenitic Mn-rich Ni–Mn–(In, Sn) Heusler alloys. Electronic Structure 4 (2), 024002 (2022)
Dewhurst, J. K.; Shallcross, S.; Radu, I.; Elliott, P.; v. Korff Schmising, C.; Sharma, S.: Ab initio study of ultrafast spin dynamics in Gdx(FeCo)1−x alloys. Applied Physics Letters 120 (4), 042401 (2022)
Elliott, P.; Eschenlohr, A.; Chen, J.; Shallcross, S.; Bovensiepen, U.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Sharma, S.: Transient spin injection efficiencies at ferromagnet-metal interfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (36), 2201233 (2022)
Pellegrini, C.; Sharma, S.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Sanna, A.: Ab initiostudy of ultrafast demagnetization of elementary ferromagnets by terahertz versus optical pulses. Physical Review B 105 (13), 134425 (2022)
Shallcross, S.; Li, Q. Z.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Sharma, S.; Elliott, P.: Ultrafast optical control over spin and momentum in solids. Applied Physics Letters 120 (3), 032403 (2022)
Shallcross, S.; von Korff Schmising, C.; Elliott, P.; Eisebitt, S.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Sharma, S.: Electronic origin of x-ray absorption peak shifts. Physical Review B 106 (6), L060302 (2022)
Sharma, S.; Shallcross, S.; Elliott, P.; Dewhurst, J. K.: Making a case for femto-phono-magnetism with FePt. Science Advances 8 (37), eabq2021 (2022)
Sharma, S.; Shallcross, S.; Elliott, P.; Eisebitt, S.; Schmising, C. v. K.; Dewhurst, J. K.: Computational analysis of transient XMCD sum rules for laser pumped systems: When do they fail? Applied Physics Letters 120 (6), 062409 (2022)
Wang, C.-Y.; Sharma, S.; Gross, E. K. U.; Dewhurst, J. K.: Dynamical Born effective charges. Physical Review B 106 (18), L180303 (2022)
Wang, C. -.; Sharma, S.; Müller, T.; Gross, E. K. U.; Dewhurst, J. K.: Coupled Bogoliubov equations for electrons and phonons. Physical Review B 105 (17), 174509 (2022)
Dewhurst, J. K.; Shallcross, S.; Elliott, P.; Eisebitt, S.; von Korff Schmising, C.; Sharma, S.: Angular momentum redistribution in laser-induced demagnetization. Physical Review B 104 (5), 054438 (2021)
Golias, E.; Kumberg, I.; Gelen, I.; Thakur, S.; Goerdes, J.; Hosseinifar, R.; Guillet, Q.; Sharma, S.; Schuessler-Langeheine, C.; Pontius, N. et al.; Kuch, W.; Dewhurst, J. K.: Ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic state in an elemental antiferromagnet. Physical Review Letters 126 (10), 107202 (2021)
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