Publikationen von A. Ernst

Zeitschriftenartikel (95)

Bosnar, M.; Vyazovskaya, A.Y.; Sklyadneva, I.Y.; Eremeev, S. V.; Koroteev, Y. M.; Petrov, E. K.; Heid, R.; Geilhufe, R. M.; Ernst, A.; Chulkov, E. V. et al.; Otrokov, M. M.: Family of dual topological materials X Sb4Te4 (X = Ge, Sn, Pb). Physical Review Materials 9, 014201 (2025)
Brand, E.; Rosendal, V.; Wu, Y.; Tran, T.; Palliotto, A.; Maznichenko, I. V.; Ostanin, S.; Esposito, V.; Ernst, A.; Zhou, S. et al.; Park, D.-S.; Pryds, N.: Defect-induced magnetic symmetry breaking in oxide materials. Applied Physics Reviews 12 (1), 011327 (2025)
Chen, Y.; Samanta, K.; Shahed, N. A.; Zhang, H.; Fang, C.; Ernst, A.; Tsymbal, E. Y.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Twist-assisted all-antiferromagnetic tunnel junction in the atomic limit. Nature (2024)
Fernando, G. W.; Sheets, D.; Hancock, J.; Ernst, A.; Geilhufe, R. M.: Correlation-Driven Magnetic Frustration and Insulating Behavior of TiF3. Physica Status Solidi RRL - Rapid Research Letters 18 (3), 2300330 (2024)
Fernando, G. W.; Sheets, D.; Hancock, J.; Ernst, A.; Matthias Geilhufe, R.: A Brief Review of Electronic and Magnetic Structure of TIF3. International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (2024)
Fukushima, R.; Antonov, V. N.; Otrokov, M. M.; Sasaki, T. T.; Akiyama, R.; Sumida, K.; Ishihara, K.; Ichinokura, S.; Tanaka, K.; Takeda, Y. et al.; Salinas, D. P.; Eremeev V, S.; Chulkov V, E.; Ernst, A.; Hirahara, T.: Direct evidence of induced magnetic moment in Se and the role of misplaced Mn in MnBi2Se4-based intrinsic magnetic topological insulator heterostructures. Physical Review Materials 8 (8), 084202 (2024)
Hao, F.; Song, R.; Yang, J.; Shen, J.; Ernst, A.; Yin, L.; Wang, Z.; Gao, C.: Manipulative Single Electric Dipole with Spontaneous Translational Symmetry Breaking in a Two-Dimensional Crystal. Nano Letters 24, S. 14042 - 14049 (2024)
Lee, S.-E.; Windsor, Y. W.; Zahn, D.; Kraiker, A.; Kummer, K.; Kliemt, K.; Krellner, C.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.; Pontius, N.; Staub, U. et al.; Vyalikh, D. V.; Ernst, A.; Rettig, L.: Controlling 4f antiferromagnetic dynamics via itinerant electronic susceptibility. Physical Review Research 6 (4), 043019 (2024)
Maznichenko, I. V.; Ernst, A.; Maryenko, D.; Dugaev, V. K.; Sherman, E. Y.; Buczek, P.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Ostanin, S.: Fragile altermagnetism and orbital disorder in Mott insulator LaTiO3. Physical Review Materials 8 (6), 064403 (2024)
Maznichenko, I. .; Ostanin, S.; Maryenko, D.; Dugaev, V. .; Sherman, E. .; Buczek, P.; Mertig, I.; Kawasaki, M.; Ernst, A.: Emerging Two-Dimensional Conductivity at the Interface between Mott and Band Insulators. Physical Review Letters 132 (21), 216201 (2024)
Paischer, S.; Eilmsteiner, D.; Katsnelson, M. I.; Ernst, A.; Buczek, P. A.: Electronic correlations arising from anti-Stoner spin excitations: Anab initiostudy of itinerant ferro- and antiferromagnets. Physical Review B 110 (16), 165121 (2024)
Paischer, S.; Eilmsteiner, D.; Maznichenko, I.; Buczek, N.; Zakeri, K.; Ernst, A.; Buczek, P. A.: Correlations, disorder, and multimagnon processes in terahertz spin dynamics of magnetic nanostructures: A first-principles investigation. Physical Review B 109 (22), L220405 (2024)
Reiter, F.; Marmodoro, A.; Mardare, A. I.; Mardare, C. C.; Hassel, A. W.; Ernst, A.; Hoffmann, M.: Revisiting Electronic Topological Transitions in the Silver–Palladium (AgcPd1−c) Solid Solution: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. Materials 17, 2743 (2024)
Sinner, A.; Wang, X.-G.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Ernst, A.; Dugaev, V.; Chotorlishvili, L.: Superconducting diode sensor. Physical Review B 109 (21), 214510 (2024)
Usachov, D. Y.; Ali, K.; Poelchen, G.; Mende, M.; Schulz, S.; Peters, M.; Bokai, K.; Sklyadneva, I. Y.; Stolyarov, V.; Chulkov, E. V. et al.; Kliemt, K.; Paischer, S.; Buczek, P. A.; Heid, R.; Hempel, F.; Ruesing, M.; Ernst, A.; Krellner, C.; Eremeev, S. V.; Vyalikh, D. V.: Unveiling Electron‐Phonon and Electron‐Magnon Interactions in the Weak Itinerant Ferromagnet LaCo2P2. Advanced Physics Research, 2400137 (2024)
Wang, J.; Ernst, A.; Antonov, V. N.; Jiang, Q.; Qian, H.; Wang, D.; Cao, J.; Zhu, F.; Qiao, S.; Ye, M.: Double exchange interaction in Mn-based topological kagome ferrimagnet. Communications Physics 7, 350 (2024)
Zakeri, K.; Ernst, A.: Generation and Propagation of Ultrafast Terahertz Magnons in Atomically Architectured Nanomagnets. Nano Letters (2024)
Zakeri, K.; von Faber, A.; Ernst, A.: Magnons and fundamental magnetic interactions in a ferromagnetic monolayer: The case of the Ni monolayer. Physical Review B 109 (18), L180406 (2024)
Antonov, V. N.; Bekenov, L. V.; Ernst, A.: Electronic structure and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in cr-doped topological insulator Bi2Se3. Low Temperature Physics 49 (1), S. 120 - 129 (2023)
Han, H.; Zhou, H.; Guillemard, C.; Valvidares, M.; Sharma, A.; Li, Y.; Sharma, A. K.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Ernst, A.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Reversal of anomalous Hall effect and octahedral tilting in SrRuO3 thin films via hydrogen spillover. Advanced Materials 35 (3), 2207246 (2023)
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