Publikationen von F. O. Schumann

Zeitschriftenartikel (17)

Schumann, F. O.; Wei, Z.; Di Filippo, G.; Stefani, G.: Evidence for double resonant Raman decay from a Ag surface. Physical Review B 109 (24), 245425 (2024)
Kamrla, R.; Widdra, W.; Chiang, C.-T.; Schumann, F. O.: Electron pair emission from surfaces: some general experimental considerations. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 257, 147185 (2022)
Schumann, F. O.; Di Fillippo, G.; Wei, Z.; Stefani, G.: Chirality in double photoemission from a Cu(100) surface. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 40 (4), 043204 (2022)
Leitner, T.; Born, A.; Bidermane, I.; Ovsyannikov, R.; Johansson, F.O.L.; Sassa, Y.; Föhlisch, A.; Lindblad, A.; Schumann, F. O.; Svensson, S. et al.; Mårtensson, N.: The CoESCA station at BESSY: Auger electron–photoelectron coincidences from surfaces demonstrated for Ag MNN. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 250, 147075 (2021)
Schumann, F. O.; Brandt, I.S.; Wei, Z.; Kirschner, J.; Giebels, F.; Gollisch, H.; Feder, R.: Electron and positron pair emission by low energy positron impact on surfaces. Progress in Surface Science 96 (2), 100629 (2021)
Schumann, F. O.; Kirschner, J.: Electron pair emission from surfaces: Photon versus electron excitation. Physical Review B 103 (8), 085435 (2021)
Schumann, F. O.; Kirschner, J.: Triple electron emission from surfaces: Energy and angle relations. Physical Review B 103 (7), 075103 (2021)
Chiang, C.-T.; Trützschler, A.; Huth, M.; Kamrla, R.; Schumann, F. O.; Widdra, W.: Laser-based double photoemission spectroscopy at surfaces. Progress in Surface Science 95, 100572 (2020)
Schumann, F. O.; Aliaev, Y.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Kirschner, J.: Double photoemission from Ag and Pd surfaces: Energy relations. Physical Review B 101 (11), 115104 (2020)
Schumann, F. O.; Kirschner, J.: On the timescales of correlated electron dynamics. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 241, 146943 (2020)
Schumann, F. O.; Kirschner, J.; Berakdar, J.: Imaging momentum-space two-particle correlations at surfaces. Physica Status Solidi B 257 (7), 1900636 (2020)
Brandt, I. S.; Wei, Z.; Kirschner, J.; Schumann, F. O.: Double electron emission from surfaces via low-energy positrons. Physical Review B 100 (7), 075139 (2019)
Kamrla, R.; Trützschler, A.; Huth, M.; Chiang, C.-T.; Schumann, F. O.; Widdra, W.: SiO2/Si(001) studied by time-resolved valence band photoemission at MHz repetition rates: Linear and nonlinear excitation of surface photovoltage. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 37 (2), 021101 (2019)
Aliaev, Y.; Kostanovskiy, I.; Kirschner, J.; Schumann, F. O.: Electron pair emission from a Pb surface at room temperature. Surface Science 677, S. 167 - 175 (2018)
Huth, M.; Trützschler, A.; Chiang, C.-T.; Kamrla, R.; Schumann, F. O.; Widdra, W.: Extended energy range analysis for angle-resolved time-of-flight photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics 124 (16), 164504 (2018)
Li, C. H.; Tusche, C.; Schumann, F. O.; Kirschner, J.: Correlated electron dynamics at surfaces investigated via He2+ ion neutralization. Physical Review Letters 118 (13), 136402 (2017)
Trützschler, A.; Huth, M.; Chiang, C.-T.; Kamrla, R.; Schumann, F. O.; Kirschner, J.; Widdra, W.: Band-resolved double photoemission spectroscopy on correlated valence electron pairs in metals. Physical Review Letters 118 (13), 136401 (2017)
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