Publikationen von Jae-Keun Kim

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Kim, J.-K.; Jeon, K.-R.; Sivakumar, P. K.; Jeon, J.; Koerner, C.; Woltersdorf, G.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Intrinsic supercurrent non-reciprocity coupled to the crystal structure of a van der Waals Josephson barrier. Nature Communications 15, 1120 (2024)
Sivakumar, P. K.; Ahari, M. T.; Kim, J.-K.; Wu, Y.; Dixit, A.; de Coster, G. J.; Pandeya, A. K.; Gilbert, M. J.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Long-range phase coherence and tunable second order φ0-Josephson effect in a Dirac semimetal 1T-PtTe2. Communications Physics 7, 354 (2024)
Jeon, K.-R.; Hazra, B. K.; Kim, J.-K.; Jeon, J.-C.; Han, H.; Meyerheim, H. L.; Kontos, T.; Cottet, A.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Chiral antiferromagnetic Josephson junctions as spin-triplet supercurrent spin valves and d.c. SQUIDs. Nature Nanotechnology 18, S. 747 - 753 (2023)
Jang, J.; Kim, J.-K.; Shin, J.; Kim, J.; Baek, K.-Y.; Park, J.; Park, S.; Kim, Y. D.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Kang, K. et al.; Cho, K.; Lee, T.: Reduced dopant-induced scattering in remote charge-transfer-doped MoS2 field-effect transistors. Science Advances 8 (38), eabn3181 (2022)
Jeon, K.-R.; Kim, J.-K.; Yoon, J.; Jeon, J.-C.; Han, H.; Cottet, A.; Kontos, T.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Zero-field polarity-reversible Josephson supercurrent diodes enabled by a proximity-magnetized Pt barrier. Nature Materials 21, S. 1008 - 1013 (2022)
Jeon, K.-R.; Kim, J.-K.; Yoon, J.; Jeon, J.-C.; Han, H.; Cottet, A.; Kontos, T.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Author Correction: Zero-field polarity-reversible Josephson supercurrent diodes enabled by a proximitymagnetized Pt barrier. Nature Materials (2022)
Youn, S.; Kim, J.; Moon, H.; Kim, J.-K.; Jang, J.; Chang, J.; Lee, T.; Kang, K.; Lee, W.: Enhanced thermoelectric power factor in carrier-type-controlled platinum diselenide nanosheets by molecular charge-transfer doping. Small 18 (23), 2200818 (2022)
Jeon, K.-R.; Cho, K.; Chakraborty, A.; Jeon, J.-C.; Yoon, J.; Han, H.; Kim, J.-K.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Role of two-dimensional ising superconductivity in the nonequilibrium quasiparticle spin-to-charge conversion efficiency. ACS Nano 15 (10), S. 16819 - 16827 (2021)
Kim, J.-K.; Cho, K.; Jang, J.; Baek, K.-Y.; Kim, J.; Seo, J.; Song, M.; Shin, J.; Kim, J.; Parkin, S. S. P. et al.; Lee, J.-H.; Kang, K.; Lee, T.: Molecular dopant-dependent charge transport in surface-charge-transfer-doped tungsten diselenide field effect transistors. Advanced Materials 33 (44), 2101598 (2021)
Seo, J.; Lee, J. H.; Pak, J.; Cho, K.; Kim, J.-K.; Kim, J.; Jang, J.; Ahn, H.; Lim, S. C.; Chung, S. et al.; Kang, K.; Lee, T.: Ultrasensitive photodetection in MoS2 avalanche phototransistors. Advanced Science, 2102437 (2021)
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