Publikationen von Tianyuan Xue

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Chen, F. D.; Sharma, A.; Roszko, D. A.; Xue, T.; Mu, X.; Luo, X.; Chua, H.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Development of wafer-scale multifunctional nanophotonic neural probes for brain activity mapping. Lab on a Chip 24 (9), S. 2397 - 2417 (2024)
Chen, F.-D.; Sharma, A.; Xue, T.; Jung, Y.; Govdeli, A.; Mak, J. C. C.; Chameh, H. M.; Movahed, M.; Brunk, M. G. K.; Luo, X. et al.; Chua, H.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Valiante, T. A.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Implantable silicon neural probes with nanophotonic phased arrays for single-lobe beam steering. Communications Engineering 3, 182 (2024)
Poon, J. K. S.; Govdeli, A.; Sharma, A.; Mu, X.; Chen, F.-D.; Xue, T.; Liu, T.: Silicon photonics for the visible and near-infrared spectrum. Advances in Optics and Photonics 16 (1), S. 1 - 59 (2024)
Sharma, A.; Straguzzi, J. N.; Xue, T.; Govdeli, A.; Chen, F. D.; Stalmashonak, A.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Optimization of a programmable λ/2-pitch optical phased array. Nanophotonics 13 (12), S. 2241 - 2249 (2024)
Xue, T.; Stalmashonak, A.; Chen, F.-D.; Ding, P.; Luo, X.; Chua, H.; Lo, G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Implantable photonic neural probes with out-of-plane focusing grating emitters. Scientific Reports 14, 13812 (2024)

Konferenzbeitrag (5)

Sharma, A.; Straguzzi, J. N.; Xue, T.; Govdeli, A.; Chen, F.-D.; Stalmashonak, A.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Crosstalk-Compensated Optical Phased Arrays for Wide-Angle Beam-Steering. In: Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2024, Th2A.3. Optical Fiber Communication Conference , San Diego, California United States , 24. März 2024 - 28. März 2024. (2024)
Sharma, A.; Gövdeli, A.; Xue, T.; Chen, F.-D.; Luo, X.; Chua, H.; Lo, G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Wide-Angle Single-lobe Beam-Steering using Optical Phased Arrays on Implantable Neural Probes. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2023, SF2E.5. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, 07. Mai 2023 - 12. Mai 2023. Optica Publishing Group (2023)
Xue, T.; Poon, J. K. S.; Sacher, W. D.: In situ Thermal Refractive Index Trimming of Silicon Nitride Waveguides with Suspended Heaters. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2023, STu3J.4. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, 07. Mai 2023 - 12. Mai 2023. Optica Publishing Group (2023)
Xue, T.; Stalmashonak, A.; Ding, P.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Out-of-Plane Focusing Grating on Implantable Neural Probes for Spatially Targeted Optogenetic Stimulation. In: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2023, cl_1_3. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe 2023) and European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2023), Munich, Germany, 26. Juni 2023 - 30. Juni 2023. (2023)
Chen, F.-D.; Wahn, H.; Xue, T.; Jung, Y.; Straguzzi, J. N.; Azadeh, S. S.; Stalmashonak, A.; Chua, H.; Luo, X.; Shah, P. et al.; Chameh, H. M.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Valiante, T. A.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Implantable neural probe system for patterned photostimulation and electrophysiology recording. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2022, JTh6A.7. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, 15. Mai 2022 - 20. Mai 2022. Optica Publishing Group (2022)
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