Stilisierte Neuronen, die teilweise verbunden sind, in hellblau vor einem dunkelblauem Hintergrund. In den oberen rechten Ecke der Schriftzug des MPUTC in weiß.

Publikationen von Yiding Lin

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Lin, Y.; Yong, Z.; Luo, X.; Sharif Azadeh, S.; Mikkelsen, J. C.; Sharma, A.; Chen, H.; Mak, J. C. C.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D. et al.; Poon, J. K. S.: Monolithically integrated, broadband, high-efficiency silicon nitride-on-silicon waveguide photodetectors in a visible-light integrated photonics platform. Nature Communications 13, 6362 (2022)
Son, B.; Lin, Y.; Lee, K. H.; Margetis, J.; Kohen, D.; Tolle, J.; Tan, C. S.: Metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors on a GeSn-on-insulator platform for 2 µm applications. IEEE Photonics Journal 14 (3), 6824406 (2022)
Lin, Y.; Mak, J. C. C.; Chen, H.; Mu, X.; Stalmashonak, A.; Jung, Y.; Luo, X.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Low-loss broadband bi-layer edge couplers for visible light. Optics Express 29 (21), S. 34565 - 34576 (2021)
Son, B.; Zhou, H.; Lin, Y.; Lee, K. H.; Tan, C. S.: Gourd-shaped hole array germanium (Ge)-on-insulator photodiodes with improvedresponsivity and specific detectivity at 1,550 nm. Optics Express 29 (11), S. 16520 - 16533 (2021)
Lin, Y.; Son, B.; Lee, K. H.; Michel, J.; Tan, C. S.: Sub-mA/cm2 dark current density, buffer-Less Germanium (Ge) photodiodes on a 200-mm Ge-on-insulator substrate. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68 (4), S. 1730 - 1737 (2021)
Lin, Y.; Lee, K. H.; Son, B.; Tan, C. S.: Low-power and high-detectivity Ge photodiodes by in-situ heavy As doping during Ge-on-Si seed layer growth. Optics Express 29, S. 2940 - 2952 (2021)

Konferenzbeitrag (4)

Sacher, W. D.; Lin, Y.; Chen, H.; Azadeh, S. S.; Yong, Z.; Luo, X.; Chua, H.; Mak, J. C. C.; Govdeli, A.; Sharma, A. et al.; Mikkelsen, J. C.; Mu, X.; Stalmashonak, A.; Lo, G.-Q.; Poon, J. K. S.: An Active Visible-Light Integrated Photonics Platform on 200-mm Si. In: 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2023 - Proceedings, Tu3C.5. Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 05. Mai 2023 - 09. Mai 2023. IEEE (2023)
Lin, Y.; Mak, J. C. C.; Chen, H.; Mu, X.; Stalmashonak, A.; Jung, Y.; Luo, X.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Low-loss bi-layer edge couplers for blue light. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2021, SM4C.7. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, 09. Mai 2021 - 14. Mai 2021. (2021)
Lin, Y.; Yong, Z.; Luo, X.; Lo, P. G.-Q.; Sacher, W. D.; Poon, J. K. S.: Silicon nitride waveguide-integrated silicon photodiodes for blue light. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2021, SM1A.3. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, 09. Mai 2021 - 14. Mai 2021. (2021)
Zhou, H.; Xu, S.; Lin, Y.; Huang, Y.-C.; Son, B.; Li, W.; Guo, X.; Lui, L.; Lee, K. H.; Gong, X. et al.; Tan, C. S.: High-efficiency photo detection at 2μm realized by GeSn/Ge multiple-quantum-well photodetectors with photon-trapping microstructure. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2020, STh4L.1. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) , Washington, DC United States, 10. Mai 2020 - 15. Mai 2020. (2020)
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